About us
MirrorBox offers transformative experiences through a carefully designed ensemble of electronic music and live contemporary art performances at the most unique locations worldwide. At Mirrorbox, we strive to work with up-and-coming talent in music, technology, and art. We make it our mission to ensure that their grooves, light shows, and sculptures flourish on a worthy international stage.
Why? – because we believe these experiences are the much-needed antidote to our fast-paced world where instant gratification is up for grabs. And so, we invite people from all cultures to hit pause, and reflect by stepping into the MirrorBox. Come with an open mind and let it challenge your way of thinking. Let it inspire you, bring you into a state of curiosity and contemplation, and open you up for new physical and mental connections – because that’s what life’s about.
Step into the mirror box and refelect on new perspectives.
Our Walls Mirror, These Walls Mirror.